共有 2497 本館藏,目前顯示第 2101 - 2200 筆紀錄
Inciviles batallas españolas (1772-1910)
The Marion Milner method
The tantric body
Theology and horror
Toward a new image of Paramārtha
Towards a radical redefinition of psychology
Unequal health
What universities owe democracy
Against a Hindu god
Among Tibetan texts
Chinese Buddhism
Cultural intimacy
Disinformation in the global South
Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
Knowing illusion
Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka
Philosophy's big questions
Reason and emptiness
The Buddhist philosophy of the middle
The Svātantrika-Prāsaṅgika distinction
The two truths debate
Buddhist philosophy of consciousness
Consumer lending in France and America
Encyclopedia of sciences and religions
The character of credit
The gilded cage
A distant mirror
Emperor and ancestor
Geospatial data science
Hermeneutics and tradition in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra
Illuminating the mind
Marion Milner
Religious culture and violence in traditional China
The dispeller of disputes
The economic approach
Beyond Babel
Creation and Christian ethics
Discourses of philology and theology in Nietzsche
New daoism
A prototype approach to hate and anger in the Hebrew Bible
Chieftains into ancestors
Confucian timely mean and Christian discernment
Desire and mental health in Christianity and the arts
Human-divine interactions in the Hebrew scriptures
Identity and coherence in Christology
Key changes
Marriage, Bible, violence
Metaphor, ritual, and order in John 12-13
Practicing scripture
Religion, ethnicity, and gender in Western Hunan during the modern era
Side hustle safety net
Son of God
South Asia's Christians
The fifty years that changed Chinese religion, 1898-1948
The fisher folk of late imperial and modern China
The Routledge handbook of cofuturisms
The rural economy of pre-liberation China
The two-parent privilege
Untangling the thread of racism
Venue stories
Ageing, men and social relations
Occupational stress
Ritual & mythology of the Chinese triads
Telling stories
The white lotus teachings in Chinese religious history
A study of Svātantrika
Reluctant partners
Self, no self?
The Christ and the Bodhisattva
Aging studies and ecocriticism
Analyzing multidisciplinary uses and impact of innovative technologies
Bayesian statistics for the social sciences
Future folk horror
Handbook of occupational health psychology
Moving the needle
On hashish
Opportunities and challenges for computational social science methods
Practices, challenges, and prospects of digital ethnography as a multidisciplinary method
Religious experience and religious lives
Sociology of art
Advanced introduction to social movements and political protests
Beyond religion and the secular
Cycling activism
Essentials of occupational health psychology
How to design, implement, and analyse a survey
Model-based clustering, classification, and density estimation using mclust in R
Social dialogue in the gig economy
Social theory re-wired
The Routledge handbook of philosophy of responsibility
Theology and Star Trek
Theorie in Skizzen
Understanding the behavioral and medical impact of long COVID
Urban informatics